The certified medical professionals at VP Medical Consulting are able to provide the legal community with Expert Medical Witness services.
Our highly trained staff’s responsibility as Expert Medical Witness is to objectively review all materials submitted by counsel and then present a credible and professional opinion at deposition and trial; presenting that opinion to the court in a logical and meticulous manner, in turn allowing the jury to render a verdict based on facts.

VP Medical Consulting’s team of experts provides valuable insight and objective evaluation, including detailed explanations of the medical basis for their findings. VP Medical Consulting’s qualified, professional, credible and unbiased services are available to attorneys for both plaintiff and defense matters of the court as well as medical malpractice insurers. Even more reasons to obtain an Expert Medical Witness to assist you on your case.
Vp Medical Constuling’s Expert Medical Witness service includes:
Patients put their health and welfare in the hands of medical professionals and deserve safe and quality care. When this doesn’t happen and someone dies or is harmed as a result of a surgical error, prescription medication error, emergency room negligence, delayed medical treatment, or other doctor negligence, proper and just compensation is in order.